Samah Karaki

(JC Lattès, 306 pages, 2023)


What if talent was not, contrary to popular belief, an innate ability?


In this enlightening essay, neuroscientist and mental health expert Samah Karaki draws on the latest research data and leverages popular figures to deconstruct the myth of talent as some miracle we are simply born with.


Karaki skillfully challenges the conventional notion of talent, acknowledging the role of heredity and genetic predisposition in shaping abilities. However, she highlights a critical flaw in this perspective—it fails to consider the myriad social, cultural, and personal factors influencing talent development, ultimately perpetuating significant social inequalities. Talent, she argues, is not solely determined by innate factors but emerges from a complex interplay of events. Social and family environments, relationships, interactions with others, willpower, hard work, and even chance contribute to the development of talent, painting a more comprehensive picture.


In addition to her critique, Karaki proposes practical solutions to reshape our predominantly individualistic approach to what we call success, supposedly due to that talent. She questions the current educational system, suggesting a reevaluation that values diverse forms of intelligence. Her vision advocates for prioritizing learning for personal growth rather than merely for social success and dominance over others.


Grounded in robust scientific arguments, Talent Is a Fiction extends beyond critique to a reimagining of human value, self-esteem, and the concept of success. Engaging, thought-provoking, and unapologetically challenging, it invites readers to question not only themselves but the very fabric of the society they inhabit.


Samah Karaki holds a Ph.D. in neuroscience. She established the Social Brain Institute in 2014, which aims to leverage insights from cognitive sciences to advocate for social and environmental justice. A respected figure in her field, Karaki also travels globally, delivering lectures on these crucial topics. She is the author of Le Travail en équipe : Un peu de neurosciences pour les pros qui veulent collaborer autrement (Éditions Dunod, 2021).